Wider reading for the dedicated English Literature student with a Faustian thirst for knowledge.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Y13: Gothic revision - Some resources

Oh hi,

As promised, I have a number of useful resources for you.

In this post, you'll find some top grade (and full mark) exam answers. Shortly, I'll be sticking up a few past papers for your perusal.

But first, some advice for how to make the most of your revision:

1) Selectively re-read your texts (I would re-read all the scenes involving Faustus, if I were you)
2) Try to memories key quotes
3) Read and make notes on context and criticism (the stuff in the back of your Faustus book is excellent: characters, contexts, language, criticism = all essential reading)
4) Revise your gothic checklists
5) Read model responses (below)
6) Practise making plans in response to questions
7) Do some practice essays

The following docs are all examples of excellent responses to past questions - and they've all been produced by students like you. 

You know what you're ready when:
a) you can see a way through the past paper questions
b) reading these model answers no longer makes you feel inadequate!

Here goes:

I hope that you find these useful. Past papers will be coming shortly, followed by some links and essays.

Get revising!

Mr M 

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