Wider reading for the dedicated English Literature student with a Faustian thirst for knowledge.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Shakespeare's Verse: An analysis (+ bear pics)

Hi folks,

Here's my effort at the homework.

I have:
  1. Recorded how I'd stress the lines to consider how it fits with iambic pentameter (black)
  2. Looked out for sound effects like internal rhyme, alliteration and assonance (green)
  3. Picked out key images to highlight the tone of the language (orange)
  4. Added a few comments about the effect + interpretations (black)

My overall conclusion from doing this? Well, Cleomenes and Dion are excited, enthusiastic and are positively gushing about their experiences in Delphos. Perhaps this explains the lines with extra syllables. They are not calm and controlled, and this is shown through the variations from the patterns of iambic pentameter. At the same time, it's poetic and musical. The rhymes and semi-rhymes, as well as the use of softer sounds (long vowels, fricatives, sibilance and liquid sounds) create a feeling of dream-like awe and wonder. The language of religion and the heavens helps to bear out this feeling of the sublime, the wonderful.

In other words, there's a connection between form, structure  and style - and subject matter/mood.

Now it's your turn. Don't nick my lines!

As a final present, here's a few of my favourite images of the bear on stage.


Mr M

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