Wider reading for the dedicated English Literature student with a Faustian thirst for knowledge.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

About Pandosto


Robert Greene, who famously referred to Shakespeare as 'an upstart Crow, beautified with our feathers...in his owne conceit the onely Shake-scene in a countrey", wrote the source material for The Winter's Tale.

Here are some links to some info about Pandosto:

The full text - with modern spelling
Pandosto at Wikipedia

It's worth considering the things that Shakespeare changed from the source material. As always, Shakespeare's language transforms the story to create a richness way beyond that of the source. The drama is heightened. It is infused with poetry and comedy.

Often, Shakespeare creates a character who either doesn't exist in the source or is very different - often a show-stealing character. Think Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet. Or, in The Winter's Tale, both Autolycus and Paulina.

Also, throw in a bear and a statue - and you have an infinitely better (and weirder) piece of work.

Mr M

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